Our Investment in Praxis Labs
By Bryant Barr

We’ve been waiting to share the news and are so glad to announce our investment in Praxis Labs, an enterprise learning and development platform. Praxis Labs provides a powerful end-to-end immersive learning platform combining immersive experiences in AR/VR with an evidenced-based curriculum and actionable insights, starting with justice, equality, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI). The team’s curriculum is compelling, putting the user in a first-person experience that drives individual and organizational behavior change.
Elise Smith and Heather Shen, two very dynamic and gritty leaders, lead Praxis Labs and have proven they can build and sell a deeply needed product across the enterprise. They have complementary skill sets that have enabled them to create an incredible product, assemble a blue-chip team, and generate significant excitement in the market.
Training is an essential component of building an effective workforce, but it’s often overlooked – particularly when it comes to difficult-to-measure soft skills. As consumers, employees, and regulators demand more accountability from corporations on JEDI initiatives, companies need a more effective soft-skills training regimen. It is no longer a “nice-to-have” embraced by only the best corporate citizens but a must-have for every enterprise.
Enterprise learning and development experiences have looked the same for a long time. Boring cookie cutter content followed by elementary multiple choice quizzes yields negligible engagement and even less impact. This is because they have historically been a check-the-box exercise for companies and managers. However, that changes with Praxis Labs’ platform, which drives measurable impact in the workplace by combining a compelling experience and opportunities to practice key behaviors with quantifiable data.
If you’re interested in learning more about Praxis Labs and how they’re leading a new movement of workplace learning and development (or join their growing team), check them out at praxislabs.co.